
Violin / ヴァイオリン
Instruments | Made in | Loc*/Cert | Price | Comment |
Dieudonne Amade ディウドネ, アマデー | 1946 Mirecourt | WOM | Sold | One of the best works of the maker |
Bailly Charles バイィー,シャルル | 1941 Mirecourt | Europe | Sold | Fine Condition One of the best works of the maker |
Blanchard Paul ブランシャール,ポール | 1897 Lyon | WOM A&F Levi | Sold | Fine Condition |
Audinot Nestor オディノ,ネストル | 1899 Paris | WOM Rampal | Sold | Fine Condition |
Hel, Pierre Joseph エル,ヨゼフ | 1897 Lille | WOM Rampal | Sold | On Book Mint Condition |
Boulangeot Emile ボーランジョ,エミル | 1923 Lyon | WOM Andre Levi | Sold | Mint Condition |
Castagnino Giuseppe カスタニーノ,ジョゼッぺ | 1936 Chiavari | WOM P.Biddulph | Sold | Fine Condition |
Maggiali Cesare マッジアーリ,セザーレ | ca.1960 Genoa | WOM Carlson | 4,950,000JPY | Almost Mint Condition |
Bissolotti Francesco ビソロッティ,フランチェスコ | 1989 Cremona | Europe F.Bissolotti | Sold | Selected by Salvatore Accardo Good Condition Good Investment |
Gaida Giovanni ガイダ,ジョヴァンニ | ca.1933 Ivrea | WOM Carlson | Sold | Almost Mint Condition |
Gand&Bernardel ガン&ベルナルデル | 1885 Paris | WOM Rampal | Sold | Mint Condition |
Carletti Orfeo オルフェオ,カルレッティ | ca.1930 Bologna | WOM E.Blot | Sold | Mint Condition |
Dollenz Giuseppe ドレンツ,ジョゼッぺ | 1881 Trieste | WOM Carlson | Sold | Mint Condition |
Bignami Otello ビニャーミ,オテッロ | ca.1950 Bologna | WOM E.Blot | Sold | Fine Condition G.Pollastri Model |
Capicchioni Marino カピッキオーニ,マリノ | 1932 Rimini | Japan E.Blot | Sold | Good Condition Good Investment |
Soffritti Ettore ソフリッティ,エットーレ | 1910 Ferrara | Japan Hamma | Sold | Good Condition Good Investment |
Sannino Vincenzo サンニーノ,ヴィンチェンツォ | 1932 Napoli | Europe P.Biddluph | Sold | Gagliano Model Fine Condition Good Investment |
Fagnola Annibale ファニョーラ,アンニバレ | 1930 Torino | Europe Any | Sold | Pressenda Model Good Condition Good Investment |
Scarampella Stefano スカランペラ,ステファノ | ca.1920 Mantova | Europe E.Blot | 160,000 EUR | Owned by a violinist Bought at Etienne Vatelot’s workshop Good Condition |
Rota Giovanni ロータ,ジョヴァンニ | ca.1800 Cremona | Japan A.Post | Sold | Good Condition |
Rocca Enrico ロッカ,エンリコ | ca.1905 Geneva | WOM P.Biddulph | Sold | Excellent Condition Good Investment Best quality of the maker’s work |
Rocca Enrico ロッカ,エンリコ | ca.1885 Geneva | WOM P.Biddulph | Sold | Excellent Condition Fine Investment Best quality of the maker’s work On book |
Gagliano Ferdinando ガリヤーノ,フェルディナンド | ca.1780 Napoli | WOM P.Biddulph | Sold | Fantastic Condition Fine Investment |
Rugeri Vincenzo ルジェッリ,ヴィンチェンツォ | ca1710 Cremona | Europe P.Biddluph | Sold | Good Condition Good Investment |
Gagliano Nicolo ガリヤーノ,ニコロ | ca1730 Napoli | Europe P.Biddulph | Sold | Good Condition Owned by a violinist |
Grancino GB グランチーノ, GB | 1723 Milano | Europe C.Beare P.Biddulph | Ask! | Excellent Condition Good Investment |
Rocca Joseph ロッカ,ヨゼフ | 1852 Torino | USA C.Beare | Sold | Fine Condition Fine Investment On 3 books |
Pressenda,Giovanni Francesco プレッセンダ,G.F | ca1830 Torino | WOM P.Biddulph E.Blot Bears | Sold | Excellent Condition Fine Investment Best quality of Pressenda’s work |
Berginzi Zosimo ベルゴンツィ,ゾシモ | ca1765 Cremona | WOM P.Biddulph | Ask! | Fine Condition |
Guadagnini GB グァダニーニ,GB | Ca.1780 Torino | Japan Wurlitzer | Sold | Historical Good Condition Fine Investment |
Stradivari Antonio ストラディヴァリ,アントニオ | 168* Cremona | Europe P.Biddulph | Sold | Historical Good Condition Good Investment |
Stradivari Antonio ストラディヴァリ,アントニオ | 168* Cremona | USA On Goodkind | 5,200,000 USD | Historical Good Condition Fine Investment |
Guarneri del Gesu グァルネリ,デル・ジェス | 173* Cremona | Europe P.Biddulph | 11,500,000EUR | Historical Good Condition Fine Investment |
Viola / ヴィオラ
Instruments | Made in | Loc*/Cert | Price | Comment |
Barton George バルトン, ジョージ | London ca.1780 | WOM Tim Toft | Sold | Fine Condition |
Mariani A./Ungarini A. マリアーニ,A/ウンガリーニ,A | Italy Fabriano ca1740 | Europe P.Biddulph | Sold | Owned by a violist Good Condition |
Mantegazza Pietro Giovanni マンテガッツァ,P.G | Italy Milano 175* | Europe P.Biddulph | Ask! | Owned by a violist Good Condition Good Investment |
Cello / チェロ
Instruments | Made in | Loc*/Cert | Price | Comment |
Hoyer Wenzel ホイヤー,ヴェンツェル | Austria/Bohemia 1883 | Japan | Sold | Good Condition |
Scolari Daniele スコラーリ,ダニエレ | Italy Cremona 2018 | Europe D.Scolari | Sold | |
Balzarini, Pier Angelo バルツァリーニ,P.A | Italy Cremona 1980s | Japan E.Blot | Sold | Excellent Condition Good Investment |
Contavalli Primo コンタヴァーリ,プリモ | Italy Imola 1954 | Japan P.Biddulph | Sold | Fine Condition “il suono tuo sia un appello di pace…” “may your sound be a call for peace…” |
Marchetti Enrico マルケッティ,エンリコ | Italy Torino 1920 | Japan E.Blot | Sold | Mint Condition Good Investment |
Sannino Vincenzo サンニーノ,ヴィンチェンツォ | Italy Napoli 1904 | Japan | Sold | Fine Condition Good Investment |
Ceruti Giuseppe チェルーティ,ジュゼッペ | Italy Cremona 184* | Europe A.Post | Sold | Mint Condition Good Investment |
Vuillaume,J.B ヴィヨーム,J.B | France Paris 186* | Europe Biddluph | 550,000EUR | Excellent Condition Owned by a world famous cellist Good Investment |
Violin Bow / ヴァイオリン弓
Bows | Made in | Location* | Price | Comment |
Morizot Louis pere モリゾー,ルイ(父) | France | WOM Raffin | Ask! | Silver/Ebony Ex-Yair Kless Fine Condition |
Lapierre Marcel ラピエール,マルセル | France | WOM P.Childs | Sold | Gold/Ivory MInt Condition Good Investment |
Bazin, Charles Nicolas バザン,シャルル=ニコラ | France ca.1900 | WOM Millant | Sold | Silver/Ebony Ex-Maxim Vengerov Excellent Condition Good Investment |
Ouchard Bernard ウシャール,ベルナール | France ca.1960 | WOM Guillaume | Sold | Siver/Ebony Mint Condition Hill Model |
Thomassin Claude トマッサン,クロード | France ca.1900 | WOM Raffin | 1,760,000JPY | Nickel/Ebony |
Vigneron Andre ヴィネロン,アンドレ | France | WOM Raffin | Sold | Silver/Ebony Good Condition |
Fetique Victor フェティーク・ヴィクトル | France ca.1910 | WOM Raffin | Sold | Silver/Ebony Excellent Condition Good Investment |
Barbe August バルベ,オーギュスト | France ca.1900 | Europe Raffin | Sold | Silver/Ebony Ex-Maxim Vengerov Good Condition |
Morizot Louis pere – Sartory Collab. モリゾー,ルイ(父)サルトリーコラボ | France ca.1915 | WOM Raffin | Sold | Silver/Ebony Fine Condition Fine Quality |
Richaume Andre リショーム,アンドレ | France ca.1935 | WOM Raffin | 2,750,000JPY | Nickel/Ebony Good Condition |
Gillet Louis ジレー,ルイ | France ca.1965 | WOM Raffin | 2,970,000JPY | Silver/Ebony Mint Condition Good Investment |
Fetique Jules フェティーク,ジュール | France ca.1920 | WOM Raffin | Sold | Silver/Ebony Fine Condition Good Investment |
Ouchard, Emile-Auguste ウシャール,エミール・オーギュスト | France ca.1930 | WOM Raffin | Sold | Silver/Ebony Fine Condition Good Investment |
Ouchard, Emile-Auguste ウシャール,エミール・オーギュスト | France ca.1937 | WOM Raffin | 3,410,000JPY | Silver/Ebony Excellent Condition Good Investment |
Lamy Alfred pere ラミー,アルフレッド | France | WOM Guillaume | Sold | Silver/Ebony Mint Condition Good Investment |
Maline Nicolas マリーン,ニコラ | France ca.1850 | Europe Raffin | Sold | Silver/ebony Good Condition Good Investment |
Sartory, Eugene Nicolas サルトリー,ユージン・ニコラス | France ca.1925 | Europe Guillaume | Sold | Silver/Ebony Fine Condition Fine Investment |
Sartory, Eugene Nicolas サルトリー,ユージン・ニコラス | France ca.1940 | WOM Guillaume | 5,500,000JPY | Silver/Ebony Excellent Condition Fine Investment |
Sartory, Eugene Nicolas サルトリー,ユージン・ニコラス | France ca.1930 | WOM Salchow | Sold | Silver/Ebony Excellent Condition Fine Investment |
Sartory, Eugene Nicolas サルトリー,ユージン・ニコラス | France ca.1930 | WOM Raffin | Sold | Silver/Ebony Fine Condition Fine Investment |
Sartory, Eugene Nicolas サルトリー,ユージン・ニコラス | France | Europe Raffin | Sold | Silver/Ebony Ex-Maxim Vengerov Good Condition Fine Investement |
Sartory, Eugene Nicolas サルトリー,ユージン・ニコラス | France ca.1930 | Europe Raffin | Sold | Silver/Ebony “Expon” Good Condition Fine Investement |
Sartory, Eugene Nicolas サルトリー,ユージン・ニコラス | France ca.1915 | Japan P.Childs | Sold | Silver/Ebony Fine Condition Fine Investment |
Sartory, Eugene Nicolas サルトリー,ユージン・ニコラス | France | Japan Guillaume | Sold | Silver/Ebony “Expon” Ex-Erno Sebestyen Fine Condition Fine Investment |
Sartory, Eugene Nicolas サルトリー,ユージン・ニコラス | France ca.1935 | WOM Raffin | Sold | Gold/Tortoiseshell Ex-Jean Trible Mint Condition Excellent Investment |
Viola Bow / ヴィオラ弓
Bows | Made in | Location* | Price** | Comment |
Morizot Louis pere モリゾー,ルイ(父) | France ca.1930 | WOM Guillaume | Sold | Silver/Ebony Fine Condition |
Tubbs James タブス,ジェイムス | England ca.1900 | WOM Guillaume | Sold | Silver/Ebony Fine Condition |
Gillet Louis ジレー,ルイ | France ca.1960 | WOM Raffin | Sold | Silver/Ebony Mint Condition |
Vigneron Andre ヴェネロン,アンドレ | France | WOM Raffin | Sold | Silver/Ebony Good Condition Good Investment |
Vigneron, Joseph Arthur ヴィネロン,ヨゼフ・アルトゥール | France ca.1890 | WOM Raffin | Sold | Silver/Ebony Good Condition Good Investment |
Ouchard,Emile-Auguste ウシャール,エミール・オーギュスト | France ca.1947 | Europe Raffin | Sold | Silver/Ebony Fine Condition Good Investment |
Ouchard,Emile-Auguste ウシャール,エミール・オーギュスト | France ca.1940 | Japan Guillaume | Reserved | Gold/Ivory Good Condition Excellent quality |
Voirin,Francois Nicolas ヴォアラン,フランソワ・ニコラス | France ca.1885 | WOM Guillaume | Ask | Silver/Ebony Good Condition |
Cello Bow / チェロ弓
Bows | Made in | Location* | Price | Comment |
Guillaume Pierre ギヨーム,ピエール | Belgium | WOM Guillaume | Sold | Gold/Ebony |
Bazin Louis バザン,ルイ | France Ca.1920 | WOM Raffin | Sold | Fine Condition |
Lamy Alfred pere ラミー,アルフレッド(父) | France | Japan P.Childs | Sold | |
Ouchard, Emile-Auguste ウシャール,エミール・オーギュスト | France ca.1930 | Europe Raffin | Sold | Silver/Ebony Fine Condition Good Investment |
Voirin, Francois Nicolas ウシャール,エミール・オーギュスト | France ca.1875 | Europe Raffin | Sold | Silver/Ebony Good Condition Good Investment |
Sartory, Eugene Nicolas サルトリー,ユージン・ニコラス | France ca.1925 | Europe Raffin | Sold | Silver/Ebony Good Condition Fine Investment |
Sartory, Eugene Nicolas サルトリー,ユージン・ニコラス | France ca.1900 | Japan P.Childs | Sold | Silver/Ebony Good Condition Fine Investment |
Sartory, Eugene Nicolas サルトリー,ユージン・ニコラス | France ca.1920 | Asia B.Millant | Sold | Silver/Ebony Mint Condition Fine Investment |
Sartory, Eugene Nicolas サルトリー,ユージン・ニコラス | France ca.1915 | Europe Raffin | Sold | Silver/Ebony Mint Condition Fine Investment |
Maline Nicolas マリーン,ニコラ | France | Japan B.Millant | Sold | Silver/Ebony Good Condition Good Investment |
Sartory, Eugene Nicolas サルトリー,ユージン・ニコラス | France | Japan Raffin P.Childs | Sold | Gold/Ebony Good Condition Fine Investment |